User contributions for Evatacon jared
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22 June 2023
- 17:3817:38, 22 June 2023 diff hist +606 N The Sword of Damocles Created page with "Cicero tells the story of the Sword of Damocles in his Tusculan Disputations. The story is based on a legend about the Syracusan tyrant Dionysius II and the fawning Damocles, who called Dionysius the most fortunate person ever. Dionysius offered him the opportunity to try out his lucky life, and Damocles readily agreed. Amid all the gold and luxuries that Damocles could enjoy, there was a sharp sword hanging from a slender thread (and in imminent danger of dropping) abov..." current
3 June 2023
- 15:4215:42, 3 June 2023 diff hist +225 N Don't Leave off Hoping Created page with "It’s always something, to know you’ve done the most you could. But, don’t leave off hoping, or it’s of no use doing anything. Hope, hope to the last. CHARLES DICKENS Category:Quotes Category:Charles_Dickens" current
26 May 2023
- 09:4409:44, 26 May 2023 diff hist +4,395 N Simon Tappertit Created page with "Simon Tappertit: Sim, as he was called in the locksmith’s family, or Mr Simon Tappertit, as he called himself, and required all men to style him out of doors, on holidays, and Sundays out,— was an old-fashioned, thin-faced, sleek-haired, sharp-nosed, small-eyed little fellow, very little more than five feet high, and thoroughly convinced in his own mind that he was above the middle size; rather tall, in fact, than otherwise. Of his figure, which was well enough form..." current
- 09:4209:42, 26 May 2023 diff hist +9,080 N Gabriel Varden Created page with "'''We first meet Gabriel Varden when his carriage nearly collides with the racing villian.''' The looker-on was a round, red-faced, sturdy yeoman, with a double chin, and a voice husky with good living, good sleeping, good humour, and good health. He was past the prime of life, but Father Time is not always a hard parent, and, though he tarries for none of his children, often lays his hand lightly upon those who have used him well; making them old men and women inexorab..." current
- 09:1909:19, 26 May 2023 diff hist +527 N Aspect of Smoothed Affliction Created page with "'''Mrs. Barnaby had undergone sever trials and horrors. It was said of her aspect:''' "She was about forty -- perhaps two or three years older -- with a cheerful aspect, and a a face that had once been pretty. It bore traces of affliction and care, but they were of an old date, and Time had smoothed her face was the patient composure of long effort and quiet resignation." '''Chapter V, Page 40, Barnaby Rudge''' Category:Barnaby_Rudge Category:Charles_Di..." current
- 09:1409:14, 26 May 2023 diff hist +490 Sacred Counsels of Almighty Mind No edit summary current
- 09:1109:11, 26 May 2023 diff hist +560 N Sacred Counsels of Almighty Mind Created page with "'''Thetis presses Jove with her petition for Achilles. Jove responds:''' To this the thunderer: "Seek not to find The sacred counself of almight mind: Involved in darkness lies the great decree, Nor can the depths of fate be pierced by thee. What fits they knowledge, thou the first shalt know; The first of gods above, and men below; But thou, not they, shall search the thoughts that roll Deep in the close recesses of my soul." '''Book I, Page 18, The Iliad'''..."
25 May 2023
- 12:0112:01, 25 May 2023 diff hist +154 N Shade Tree Created page with ""Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago." Warren Buffett Category:Warren Buffet Category:Long Game " current
24 May 2023
- 22:2422:24, 24 May 2023 diff hist +5 King of a Slavish Race No edit summary current
- 22:2322:23, 24 May 2023 diff hist +484 N King of a Slavish Race Created page with "'''Achilles accuses Atrides of being a base king, who rules capriciously over a people now made slavish, having forgotten their past freedoms.''' Scourge of they people, violent and base! Sent in Jove's anger on a slavish race; Who, lost to sense of generous freedom past, Are tamed to wrongs; -- or this had been thy last. Book I, Page 9, The Iliad Category:Subjects and Kings Category:Loss of Freedom Category:Achilles Category:Homer Category:Th..."
- 22:1922:19, 24 May 2023 diff hist +13 Calm Thy Fury No edit summary current
- 22:1822:18, 24 May 2023 diff hist +4 Thy Valour is From God No edit summary current
- 22:1822:18, 24 May 2023 diff hist +4 For the Common Good No edit summary current
- 22:1722:17, 24 May 2023 diff hist +11 A King's Caprice To War Has Led No edit summary current
- 22:1622:16, 24 May 2023 diff hist +32 A King's Caprice To War Has Led No edit summary
- 22:1622:16, 24 May 2023 diff hist +602 N Calm Thy Fury Created page with "Atrides (the kind) flames the fury of Achilles (the soldier). Minerva appears to Achilles as he begins to draw his sword in order to calm his fury and promote reason and patience. ''To calm thy fury I forsake the skies: Let great Achilles, to the gods resign'd, To reason yield the empire o'er his mind. By awful Juno the command is given; The king and you are both the care of heaven. The force of keen reproaches let him feel; But sheathe, obedient, they revenging steel...."
- 22:1122:11, 24 May 2023 diff hist +572 N Thy Valour is From God Created page with "Both Atrides and Achilles remind each other that their strength and power comes from God, but each would use this argument to persuade the other to use their gifts for their own ends. The argument isn't really whether their gifts are from God, but in what way those gifts serve God best. ''If thou hast strength, 'twas Heaven that strength bestow'd;'' ''For know, vain man! they valour is from God.'' Book I, Page 7, The Iliad Category:Values Drive Interpretation C..."
- 22:0622:06, 24 May 2023 diff hist +12 For the Common Good No edit summary
- 22:0522:05, 24 May 2023 diff hist +588 N A King's Caprice To War Has Led Created page with "Achilles to Atrides on the King's personal war: ''What cause have I to war at thy decree? The distant Trojans never injured me; Safe in her vales my warlike coursers fed; Far hence removed, the hoarse-resounding main, Whose frutful soil luxuriant harvests grace, Rich in her fruits, and in her martial race. Hither we sail'd, a voluntary throng, To avenge a private, not a public wrong. What else to Troy the assembled nations draws, But thine, ungrateful, and thy brothe..."
- 21:5821:58, 24 May 2023 diff hist +27 For the Common Good No edit summary
- 21:5721:57, 24 May 2023 diff hist +817 N For the Common Good Created page with "A Leader should be willing to sacrifice for the common good. Atrides feels this responsibility, but wants compensation for his sacrifice. Below are his comments about the responsibility to sacrifice. ''Yet, if the Gods demand her, let her sail; Our cares are only for the public weal; Let me be deem'd the hateful cause of all, And suffer, rather than my people fall. The prize, the beauteous prize, I will resign, So dearly valued, and so justly mine.'' But Atrides wan..."
23 May 2023
- 23:2223:22, 23 May 2023 diff hist +30 Broken-winged Bird No edit summary current
- 23:2123:21, 23 May 2023 diff hist +26 Cherish Your Visions No edit summary current
- 23:2123:21, 23 May 2023 diff hist +741 N Castles in the Air Created page with ""I have learned this at least by my experiment: that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; new, universal, and more liberal laws will begin to establish themselves around and within him; or the old laws be expanded, and interpreted in his favor in a more liberal sense, and he w..." current
- 23:2023:20, 23 May 2023 diff hist +362 N Cherish Your Visions Created page with ""Cherish your visions. Cherish your ideals. Cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind, the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts, for out of them will grow all delightful conditions, all heavenly environment; of these, if you but remain true to them, your world will at last be built." James Allen Category:Dreams"
- 23:1923:19, 23 May 2023 diff hist +202 N Broken-winged Bird Created page with "Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow. Langston Hughes Category:Dreams "
- 23:1623:16, 23 May 2023 diff hist +329 N Dreams are a Mental Kaleidoscope Created page with " confound all consideration of persons, things, times, and places; and to jumble disjointed thoughts together in a kind of mental kaleidescope, producting combinations as unexpected as they are transitory. Chapter 1, Page 25, Barnaby Rudge Category:Night Dreams Category:Barnaby_Rudge Category:Charles_Dickens" current
- 23:1323:13, 23 May 2023 diff hist +515 N And God said...and it was so. Created page with "'''And God said...and it was so.''' And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. And God said, "Let there be a firmament..." and it was so. These are the '''generations''' of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord god made the earth and the heavens, and '''every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew'''... Category:Bible Category:Genesis Category:Old_Tes..." current
- 23:1023:10, 23 May 2023 diff hist +9 Mysterious Sympathy to Violence No edit summary current
- 23:1023:10, 23 May 2023 diff hist +596 N Father Time Lays His Hand Softly Created page with "He was past the prime of life, but Father Time is not always a hard parent, and, though he tarries for none of his children, often lays his hand lightly upon those who have used him well; making them old men and women inexorably enought, but leaving their hearts and spirits young and in full vigour. With such people the grey head is but the impression of the old fellow's hand in giving them his blessing, and every wrinkle but a notch in the quiet calendar of a well-spent..." current
- 23:0623:06, 23 May 2023 diff hist +826 N Mysterious Sympathy to Violence Created page with "There are times when, the elements being in unusual commotion, those who are bent on daring enterprises, or agitated by great thoughts, whether of good or evil, feel a mysterious sympathy with the tumult of nature, and are roused into corresponding violence. In the midst of thunder, lightning, and storm, many tremendous deeds have been committed; men, self-possessed before, have given a sudden loose to passions they could no longer control. The demons of wrath and despai..."
- 23:0223:02, 23 May 2023 diff hist +4 False Cries for Revolution No edit summary current
- 23:0223:02, 23 May 2023 diff hist +1,570 N Great Injustices of the Time (Gordon Riots) Created page with "Under this act, the Shop-lifting Act, one Mary Jones was executed, whose case I shall just mention; it was at tht time when press warrants were issued, on the alarm about Falkland Islands. The woman's husband was pressed, their goods seized for some debts of his, and she, with two small children, turned into the streets a-begging. It is a circumstances not to be forgotten, that she was very young (under nineteen), and most remarkably handsome. She went to a linen-draper'..." current
- 22:5522:55, 23 May 2023 diff hist +682 N False Cries for Revolution Created page with "It is unnecessary to say, that those shameful tumults, while they reflect indelible disgrace upon the time in which they occurred, and all who had act or part in them, teach a good lesson. That what we falsely call a religious (or moral) cry is easily raised by men who have no religion (or morals), and who in their daily practice set at nought the commonest principles of right and wrong; that it is begotten of intolerance and persecution; that it is senseless, besotted,..."
- 11:3911:39, 23 May 2023 diff hist +1,806 N Charles Dickens Sympathizes, but nonetheless Requires Organized Revolution Created page with ""By the end of Barnaby Rudge Dickens has indeed made it clear that, if he has little time for the order which provoked the tumults of 1780, he has no sympathy either for the rioters who have attempted to overthrow it." Introduction to Barnaby Rudge Why doesn't he tolerate violent overthrow and rebellion? "...the rioters themselves were only...interested in destruction, not reform." "They revolt against authority, against a society which so shamefully abused..."
- 11:3611:36, 23 May 2023 diff hist +89 Charles Dickens "imaged forth" His Novels No edit summary
- 11:3311:33, 23 May 2023 diff hist +379 N Charles Dickens "imaged forth" His Novels Charles Dickens "imaged forth" His Novels